How to handle Egoistic neighbours?

There is this special neighbour of mine. She’s actually a very lovely and nice young woman. Nice, at that point, that she greets me. Lol.  I never even talked to her more than three words, but anyway, she seems very kind.

But I have a particular problem with her. She’s egoistic. How do I know that, although I never really talked to her? Well, it’s all about the way, she parks her car.

Yes. That’s it.

We have a, I just call it like that now, “communal bridge” in our neighbourhood. So, when it’s heavily raining and even hailing (which it does often atm), the people, who does not have a garage (like me!) can park their cars under that mentioned bridge. Nice idea, right? But this just doesn’t work, when stated lady parks her car across the whole thing. Isn’t that weird? If you would park your car just straight to the bridge wall, three cars would have space to stand below. But, no….Lady Egoist, she (who has a carport, by the way) takes all the space. So, I really wonder myself, why she is doing that? If anyone can tell me the answer, please go for it!

I will not give up, you know? The next time, I see the friendly Señorita, I will ask her if she may not be that egoistic. But in a nice way, of course, as I’m a peace loving human being.



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